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Recent Cat Articles

Exercises For Cats (Especially Sedentary Cats)

If you’re a pet owner, you know just how imperative it is that you and your furry friends get plenty of exercise in order to stay happy and healthy. In fact, many of the health benefits of exercises for humans are the same when it comes to exercises for cats. For...

Homemade DIY Cat Litter Boxes For Cat Parents

DIY cat litter boxes are an easy enough weekend project to take on, and they can offer a great payoff. After all, there’s nothing like an unsatisfying litter box situation to upset both human and feline family members. And if a litter box isn’t up to par, your kitty...

Info For Cat Parents: Why Do Cats Like Small Spaces?

Cats love to squeeze into shoeboxes, small cardboard boxes, or just about anything else they can find. Even if they’re too big to fit comfortably, they’ll make do. So, why do cats like small spaces? As it turns out, there are some pretty interesting reasons behind...

Your Cat’s Facial Expressions: A Guide To Cat Expression

Everyone knows those people who insist on choosing sides: they’re either “dog people” or “cat people.” Ask the dog people about their reasons, and they’ll often tell you that cats just don’t show their feelings the same way dogs do. Cat expressions, they may say, are...

Can Cats Eat Sardines? Essential Info For Cat Parents

Can cats eat sardines? If TV shows you’ve seen growing up are to be believed, fish is a cat’s favorite food and it seems the easiest way to lure a kitty into your care is to open a tin of sardines or can of tuna fish. If you’ve ever watched a stray cat scarf down...