Shedding is something that many pet owners must face at some stage. And as most dog owners can tell you, a shedding pup – whether short hair or fur ball, Labrador Retriever or Bernese Mountain Dog – can be a chore.
Excessive dog shedding can be a common issue for dog owners, especially when considering the breed or hair type of their pet.
Deshedding a dog to remove loose hair is an important dog grooming practice that can benefit a dog’s health as well as human allergies.
Read on to learn the best methods for brushing loose fur, how to safely use a deshedding tool, and when to see your vet for help to control shedding.
Hair Everywhere: Why Is My Dog Shedding So Much?
Fur protects a dog’s skin and assists in regulating a dog’s body temperature. The shedding of hair that has ceased growing is a natural act. The shedding frequency and amount of fur shed can depend on a dog’s breed, a dog’s health, and even the season.
Some dog breeds, like German Shepherds, have two coats of hair, and it’s normal for them to shed their undercoats multiple times a year.1
Could The Shedding Be A Health Concern?
Some dogs shed more hair than others. While it might appear to be excessive shedding, your pet may just be shedding a normal amount of hair for the dog’s breed.
However, excessive shedding could be a sign of a nutrition issue with your dog’s diet, stress, or another medical concern. It’s always a good idea to check with your vet to determine the cause of excessive dog shedding.2
How To Control Your Dog’s Shedding
While it may not be possible to control your dog’s shedding completely, there are some things you can do to help keep it maintained. Here are some ways to maintain your canine’s pet shedding.
1. Choose A Breed With Shedding Tendencies That Match Your Needs
When selecting a breed for your pet, be sure to research different types of coats, shedding patterns, and dog grooming needs. Also, consider the allergies of those who would share a roof with your pet. A hypoallergenic dog may be a wise choice for a highly allergic person, as these dog breeds produce less dander.
2. Keep Your Dog Hydrated
Hydrated skin can decrease the amount of loose fur and help regulate pet shedding. Vets recommend giving your dog an ounce of water per pound of your dog’s body weight each day.
3. Bathe Your Dog Regularly With Deshedding Shampoo And Conditioner
Giving your pet a bath on a regular basis will not only keep your pup clean, but it can remove dead and loose hair from your dog’s body. Using a special deshedding shampoo and conditioner can add moisture to your dog’s skin and fur.3
To dry your pet, towel them off gently then use a special blow dryer for dogs (or a hair dryer switched to the cool setting) to ensure that your pooch’s skin doesn’t get burned.4
4. Apply Coconut Oil To Your Dog’s Skin
Applying certain natural oils like coconut oil to your dog’s coat can help soften your dog’s skin, improve your dog’s health, and help with skin irritation. This can lead to healthier fur and hair.5
5. Feed Your Pet A Healthy Diet
A dog’s diet can influence its hair growth. Feeding your dog a diet rich in meat and fresh vegetables and fruits can promote the coat strength. Vitamins and nutrients in high-quality dog food or supplement can strengthen the hair follicles.
And omega-3 fatty acids found in some natural oils can improve the texture of pet hair as well. Be aware of any food allergies your dog may suffer from to ensure their fur stays healthy.6
6. Keep Up Regular Dog Grooming And Brushing Habits
Brushing a dog’s hair regularly is an important part of staying on top of shedding. The length of your dog’s coat is a major factor in how often you should be brushing them, as well as the type of grooming tools, brushes, and combs you should be using.
A de-shedding tool can be a great help in the fight against shedding, but consult your vet to learn the best way to use it.
For A Short Coat, Try A Natural-Bristle Dog Brush Or Hound Mitt
You can remove dander land loose hair from a short-coat by brushing your dog’s fur with a natural-bristle dog brush or a bristled mitt. This will not only remove the loose hair but will also spread natural oils from your dog’s skin over the coat.
Try A Slicker Brush, Pin Brush, Or Deshedding Tool With Blades For Long-Hair Dog Breeds
A long-hair breed, like a golden retriever, needs to be groomed with a comb capable of brushing underneath the dog’s outer coat. A slicker brush or a pin brush will usually do the trick. This will allow the dog brush to reach the loose hair in the undercoat.
A coat rake or deshedding tool with blades may help heavy shedding dog breeds during shedding season. A steel comb or mat splitter can help ensure safe dog grooming techniques.7
Enjoy The Benefits Of Deshedding Your Dog
Keeping your dog’s hair groomed and properly deshedded can be an excellent practice in order to maintain your dog’s health and appearance.
It may also increase the cleanliness of your home and help with allergies. It can help prevent pests like fleas or ticks, and help with other hygiene issues. Spending time to regularly brush out your pet can also promote bonding and result in a happy relationship.8
As always, be sure to take your pet to the veterinarian if a serious skin or hair problem should arise.
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Dog Owners, Know Your Pet: Do Dogs Have Hair Or Fur?
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